Afi is available as a guest speaker for events: workshops and conferences for single women and people who want to apply biblical principles practically to their lives. Ms. Pittman is currently accepting requests for
events after March 2015.
Play the video to the right to see Afi in action at the “3 Mistakes Single Christian Women Make” workshop, hosted by Simone Boyd.
What the women in attendance had to say about Afi:
“Afi is a blessing, her quiet, gentle presence speaks volumes about her character. She is a woman of integrity!”
Another woman said: “Afi made me realize the only real problems I have are those that I make up in my head. I need to be grateful.”
Another woman said: “Afi’s advice was so practical! Things I know to do, but simply don’t do. I’m going to get on it.”
To book Afi, visit the contact page and let us know what your specific needs are along with the details of the event!