On Thursday February 14, I said goodbye to my coworkers at my previous place of employment. The occasion was that I had accepted a job with another agency and am due to start tomorrow. The luncheon was also meant to serve as a birthday celebration for anyone in the office who had a February birthday. But the only person with a February birthday who was able to attend was the person who was also coordinating the luncheon. And I think only a few people knew already that it was his birthday month. So it wound up being more of a going away. Sometimes people never tell you the impact you had on them until it’s time to say goodbye. And it was at that going away that I realized how much these people had made an impact on me and how I had also impacted them. It made me realize that this is when goodbyes are bittersweet and necessary.

You see, I didn’t really want to have to take another job. But there just wasn’t very much opportunity for advancement there. And I felt like if I stayed hoping there was, there would be more of a chance that I would get stuck and miss all other chances for advancement with another agency. The Lord made it so that one of the multiple jobs I had applied to within the last 6 months contacted me for an interview. After the interview, they made an offer within 3 working days. The new agency proposed my release within 2 working weeks. It all happened so fast it made my head swim a little. After over a year of being turned down for jobs I knew I was qualified for, one agency finally said yes. In fact, I had interviewed with another department at the same agency I was already working for. I found out that they were calling references and bosses asking about me – so I knew that they were seriously considering me as a candidate. But it’s been weeks now and I have yet to hear back whether I got the job or not. After I accepted the offer with the new agency, a third agency contacted me for a Skype interview. I had to turn it down since I already accepted another offer. Plus, it was in another city AND would have required a relocation.
When God opens doors, he really opens doors.
The part of the day that almost brought me to tears was when a young lady gave me a dozen pink roses to say thank you for my kindness towards her. I had spent a few hours some months before giving her some guidance on how to join the federal civilian ranks. And she confided some things to me. I didn’t realize how big a deal it was to her until she gave me those roses. It was also sweet because this was all on Valentine’s Day.
This goodbye was bittersweet. But it was necessary. I have a destiny that this past job helped to usher me into, but now it’s a new season. And in this season, my new job will be one part of how the Lord will help me reach my destiny. I’m a bit nervous. Mostly excited. But because I have a history with God, I know that as long as I stay focused on him, I can do this. I can handle the bitter goodbye to get to the sweet destiny He has in mind.
Jessica Goyette
Feb 19, 2019 -
Goodbyes are painful, but it looks like God has had His hand in it. God bless you in your new job, Afi!
Beth Bingaman
Feb 19, 2019 -
Praying you see the blessing of the Lord in your new job!
Julie Loos
Feb 19, 2019 -
Good luck on your new adventures and new calling!
Nancy E. Head
Feb 19, 2019 -
It’s so wonderful when God leads. You didn’t want to go, but I’m guessing He will show you some magnificent reasons for the change. God bless!
Melissa Henderson
Feb 19, 2019 -
Goodbyes can be bittersweet. But it sounds like God has another plan for you. You are right, “When God opens door, he really opens doors.” Blessings to you on your new job.
Stephen Lewis
Feb 19, 2019 -
God is so awesome! That’s awesome news about how He put everything in order so that you would get the job you wanted. Congratulations thanks for sharing and also that was truly a blessing about the flowers. We just never know what seeds we have planted in our lives and then out of no where the fruit appears!! God Bless
Afi Pittman
Feb 20, 2019 -
Thank you! Yes it did seem like it was out if nowhere. And yes we never know what will come of the seeds we sow…but sow them anyway!
Lisa Murray
Feb 20, 2019 -
What a great story of God’s faithfulness and blessing! So glad you had the opportunity to hear how God used you in other people’s lives. Blessings to you as you walk through those open doors!
Afi Pittman
Feb 20, 2019 -
I am glad too. So many times we never know how we impacted someone nor do we tell others how they impacted us. Thank you!
Yvonne Morgan
Feb 20, 2019 -
Yes, goodbyes are rough but when following God, we always know something better is waiting down the road.
Jessica Brodie
Feb 21, 2019 -
How beautiful! And blessings on your new job, Afi!
Michelle Broussard
Feb 21, 2019 -
God is so faithful! Goodbye are necessary and I find that transitions, even positive ones, can be painful. Blessings in your new position!
Emily | To Unearth
Feb 21, 2019 -
Goodbyes are hard, but I love how God provides us with peace when we walk in obedience. Good luck as you begin this new adventure!
Stephen De La Vega
Feb 22, 2019 -
Firstly, congratulations, Afi! Goodbyes are certainly hard and I’m glad you were able to leave on a positive note and that God kept you there long enough to encourage the young lady. God is good and can nurture those seeds you planted at the office. God bless you in the next chapter of your journey.
Afi Pittman
Feb 24, 2019 -
Stephen, I never connected the length of time I was there to being able to help her but maybe you’re right! It meant a lot for me to help her because that gave me a chance to pour into someone else what some amazing women have poured into me.